Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here I go!

I've decided to join the club. The 238 other club members who are posting reading goals for the fall. As a newbie to the blogging world, sometimes I just want to fit in.

And I like the challenge. Although I'm not sure being a member of a fall reading club will actually give me more minutes in a day to read. I feel like I read as often as I can find spare minutes as it is...

But the truth is, I am kind of stuck in the slowing sticky muddiness of informative reading right now. Postmodernism 101 by Heath White. The topic fascinates me, and my best friend, who loaned me the book, is teaching a high school Bible class on Christianity in the postmodern world. I have the additional fire under my seat because I know she'll need the books back soon that she loaned me. But still, an informational book doesn't call out to me from the bedside or the coffee table or wherever I last set it down like a story with a plotline does. So my reading becomes limited to the actual time I plan it in, instead of being picked up any spare minute I find in order to see what happens next to the gripping character in my novel.

Maybe having goals will spur me on to pick this book up a little more often. (= It's good, it really is.

Here's my list:

Postmodernism 101 by Heath White: "A first course for the curious Christian." The idea that our culture is undergoing a major shift in the way it approaches life is deeply interesting to me. And what I'm reading rings true. I love that embracing mystery and acknowledging that God is beyond simple formulas and easy steps is part of the transformation of our approach to Him.

Post-Modern Pilgrims by Leonard Sweet: "First century passion for the 21st century world." Another informative book. But it looks excellent. I can't wait to get to it. "Casting ahead the anchor of ancient tradition."

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: My Hero wants me to read this one, and I told him I would long ago, and I finally started it a few months ago, and got sidetracked by other books. I enjoyed what I've read so far, but Kiyosaki's approach to life and wealth doesn't entirely ring true to me. Still, it has broadened my perspective on the potential money has to make more money if you educate yourself to really be an expert about a given field. If you really know real estate, for example, or anitques, you can spot bargains and turn them around to make money fairly easily. I'm about half way through, so I ought to be able to finish. Which will reassure my husband that I really do love him and value his opinion and have interest in what interests him.

Saint Ben, a novel by John Fischer: My Hero gave me this book for my birthday because it was on my wish list. Someone recommended it somewhere online. I can't remember who or why. I ought to make notes of those things when I add a book to my wishlist. But I expect it will be a good read. Although I'm learning I'm a sucker for recommendations. Advertisments? Don't trust them. But someone else saying they LOVE a product? I'm sold. At least until I try it myself.

Flabbergasted by Ray Blackston: another birthday gift from My Hero, from my wishlist, of which I don't remember who recommended it or why. It looks like a fun read, although I'm skeptical now, looking at the cover and reading the back, about how worth my time it will be. Still, a fun, easy read may be just the thing after I'm through with the THREE informative books on my list.

And that's all. I hope I'll read many more, but it's my first time keeping track, and I like actually accomplishing goals I set for myself. If I do this again, I'll have a better idea what's realistic, but this fall I'll start with just five, two of which I'm already at least halfway through. Go, me!


Anonymous said...

Saint Ben is SUCH a terrific book! You will not be sorry you read it. It's one that sticks in your mind long afterward. I also read Flabbergasted and really liked it although, you're right, it is kind of a fluffy book. But I liked it enough I just bought the second in the series (A Delirious Summer). Hope you enjoy your books!

Christie said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Lynn! It's given me a renewed enthusiasm for those two books!

Deena Peterson said...

I read Saint Ben years ago, and then my husband read is SO good! And Flabbergasted is just a hoot:-0

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if joining the challenge automatically gave us an extra hour every day, purely for reading? And I agree that something fun and light-hearted may be just what you need after the heavier reading. Thanks so much for joining the challenge -- enjoy your fall reading!

Sallie said...

Another book you might want to look at along with Rich Dad, Poor Dad is Values-Based Financial Planning by Bill Bachrach. It has a forward by Barry Todd, who is my own personal financial planner. Barry thought it was important and GAVE us Rich Dad a long time ago and just recently this new one. I'm still reading it so can't review but wanted to share since I saw your post.

God bless,